1.4 Your PlaceSpeak Dashboard for Real Life
When you login to PlaceSpeak.com you will be taken directly to your personalized PlaceSpeak Dashboard and Newsfeed. When you are logged in, this is your default page when you visit PlaceSpeak. Here you will be able to stay informed about relevant activities in your local area, as well as interact with your neighbours, and provide feedback to decision and policy-makers in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
Your Dashboard consists of the following elements:
1. Topics
From here you will be able to see Topic nearby your location. You can simply click on the tiles and view the topic pages. You can choose to review the content or click Participate to follow and contribute to the engagement.
You may also choose to Explore more topics on PlaceSpeak: You have two options
Topics: By selecting this button you will find consultation topics that you have specifically connected to. Click on a topic name to be taken directly to the desired topic page.
Below you can see My Topics (and my Organization): If you are the Manager or Administrator of any PlaceSpeak Topic pages the ‘My Topics’ and 'My Organizations' buttons will appear. This will allow you to click through to the Edit Dashboard of your Topic page.
Browse the map to explore what’s happening around you including:
The Map shows the radius distance of your Notification Settings for each of your Places. The Map also displays three types of topics: Connected Topics, Other Topics and Seed Topics. By clicking on a topic marker you can access a consultation topic’s page.
You can also see other PlaceSpeak participants in your area by clicking the ‘PlaceSpeak Participants’ button. The screen will populate with green dots when you click the button, with each dot representing a participant.
Note: The participant’s location is offset for privacy purposes.
2. Newsfeed
The Newsfeed displays a combination of new topics, topic updates, posts/comments, discussion replies and neighbourhood events from Topic Pages. Any activity involving a Topic you are following or Topics on which you are Moderator/Administrator will display here. The Newsfeed will soon provide you the ability to post and share relevant news content in your area.
There is a filter option at the top right of the Newsfeed, which alters what is displayed in you Newfeed. You can select to show New Topics, Topic Updates, Posts/Comments, Discussion Replies and Neighbourhood Events. New otions for filtering by Topic will also be available shortly. These options can be displayed individually in combination.