1.3 Your Profile Settings

1.3 Your Profile Settings

You can access your profile settings by clicking the drop-down menu at the top of navigation bar. You can click on ‘Settings’, or you can click on one of the ‘Edit’ buttons on your Profile. Use the tabs on the left-hand side of the Settings page to navigate between profile components. If you make any changes, remember to click the ‘Save’ button before navigating to a different tab!

On this page:


Here you can change your profile picture, name, birthdate, email address, and password, and well as connect your social accounts to your PlaceSpeak account. There is also a short biography section.

To change your profile picture, click ‘change’, and a Filestack dialogue box will open. You can select a photo from Box, Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr, Google Drive and Google Photos. You can also select a .jpg, .png or .gif. 


PlaceSpeak currently offers three methods of verification. You can verify with as many methods as you like. However, certain topics require multiple levels of verification for participants to be able to interact with the topic.

1. Home Phone:

Enter your home phone number, including the international dialing code and area code, without spaces or dashes, and click the ‘Get Code’ button. You should receive a call from from PlaceSpeak within a few minutes. Enter the 8 digit confirmation code relayed in the call and click the ‘Submit Code’ button.

2. Mobile Phone:

Enter your mobile phone number, including the international dialing code and area code, without spaces or dashes, and click the ‘Send code’ button. You should receive an SMS message from PlaceSpeak within a few minutes. Enter the 8 digit confirmation code contained in the message and click the ‘Verify code’ button.

3. Geolocation:

The geolocation process uses MaxMind and Google Maps API to ensure your device is located at the address you entered at signup. Before you attempt to geolocate, make sure you’re physically located at the address you are attempting to verify. After clicking the ‘Verify’ button, your browser may prompt you to allow the use of your location. Click ‘Allow’ to complete your geo-verification.

Topic Privacy

You can control your privacy settings for every individual topic you are connected to. Click the topic name to show the menu of privacy settings. You can also disconnect from topics in this menu. Remember, you can always choose to comment anonymously within the public facing Discussions on any topic. Your name will not appear on the public side, but your comments will be attributed to you in the data collected.


Where you live determines which consultations you are eligible to participate in. If you live in one place but work in another, or if you have homes in more than one location, you can add extra places to participate in consultations in those areas as well. You can manage your Places settings from this section.

Add Place

You can add additional places to your profile for your work, recreational property, or any other places you may be interested in. Click on the ‘Add place’ button and enter the address and details for your new location. You can also verify each place individually. 

Edit Place

You can edit the address entered at signup. From this form, you can specify additional details about this address, including the property type and whether you rent or own. If you move or change any information in this form, you will have to geoverify your location at the new address. If you need to change your address, you can change it in your profile. By clicking “Use as my primary address when choosing suggestions for me” PlaceSpeak will provide suggestions for new consultation topics based on this address.


You can select how often you receive notifications and select which topics you want to be notified of by distance and keywords. Notifications are sent to your email address and/ or under the drop-down menu in the PlaceSpeak header, depending on your settings.

Notification Frequency:

Set how often you want to receive notifications: right away, once a day, once a week, or no emails.

Notification Distance:

The notification distance indicates the radius within which a topic must fall for you to receive a notification. You can select either Kilometers of Miles. This ranges from 0-100 km or miles.

Notification Options:

Select whether you would like to receive notifications based on your Location, Keywords or both.


You can select to be notified by keywords. To follow a keyword, simply drag the green keyword tag into the ‘Keywords I’m following’ box.

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