1.1 Sign Up

1.1 Sign Up

1. Personal Information

Enter your name and email address, and create a password for your account. This email address will be used to log into PlaceSpeak. You can also connect your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts when registering but you will also have to provide your email address as well. 

2. Commitment to Privacy

Privacy is mission critical at PlaceSpeak, which is a Privacy By Design Ambassador. The way PlaceSpeak is architected segregates the private information you use to authenticate your account from the feedback that you provide in consultations. 

We do not advertise nor do we sell personal data. Review our Privacy Policy and accept the terms and conditions.

3. Place

Start by entering your country; choose from the drop-down menu. Then select your state or province, then City. Next, enter your street address and Postal Code. The Map will zoom right into your address.

Once you’ve entered your address PlaceSpeak’s geocoding service will identify your location. If we have difficulty finding a specific location based on your address (such as if you live in a rural area) we will show our best guess and provide an option to correct it by clicking the ‘Fix marker’ button and dragging the icon.

By providing your address, you enable PlaceSpeak to match you with consultations located near you, and with proponent organizations who want to consult with you.

4. Notification Settings

PlaceSpeak can notify you of new topics in your local area. Set the frequency of your email notifications. There are four options: 

  • As they become available (default)
  • Once per day
  • Once per week
  • No emails

Next, select the distance unit you prefer: Kilometers or Miles? How large of an area you would like your notifications to cover? Choose from the drop-down:

  • 1 km/miles (default)
  • 5 km/miles
  • 10 km/miles
  • 25 km/miles
  • 50 km/miles
  • 100 km/miles

5. Your Neighbourhood

Next you will be taken to the Neighbourhoods screen. If your Neighbourhood is active, PlaceSpeak will identify the boundaries of your neighbourhood allowing you to connect privately with your neighbours. If your neighbourhood is not available yet you will be taken directly to the notification screen or select skip.

Neighbourhoods is a community-building feature designed to help neighbours connect and engage with one another. Within a Neighbourhood, you can:

  • Message your Neighbours
  • Post on the noticeboard
  • Create and share events 

To connect with your neighbourhood click ‘Connect With Neighbourhood’. To browse PlaceSpeak Neighbourhoods webpage Click Here

It is not mandatory to connect with Neighbourhoods at this stage. You can always connect later by editing your Profile.

6. Verify your email address

A dialogue box will appear prompting you to check your email. A link will be sent to the email address provided.

7. Complete the process 

Click this link to complete the account creation process and to be taken to your profile page. If you do not receive the verification email promptly, please check your spam folder.

Congratulations, you have now claimed your place. Now get ready to speak your mind.

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