2.1 Organization Dashboard

2.1 Organization Dashboard

The organization dashboard is where you can manage the individuals and topics associated with your organization. To access the organization dashboard hover your mouse over the drop down menu in the top right corner. The ‘My Organizations’ tab will only appear if you already have an organization created. You can also access your Organization Dashboard from the activity feed which is below your Topics section.


You can change the contact information associated with the organization. Should the primary point of contact change for the organization’s topics, be sure to update this section to continue to receive communications from PlaceSpeak. You can also add a logo to your account.


Organization managers are able to add new topics and PlaceSpeak Connect clients. Managers must first be registered PlaceSpeak participants. To invite a Manager, enter their name and email address into the form. An email will be sent with a link to accept the invitation. If they are not already registered with PlaceSpeak, they will be prompted to register. Ensure individuals have the necessary privileges within your organization before inviting them to become PlaceSpeak Managers.


From this tab, you can access your existing topics, as well as create new ones. Click on any existing topic listed to see topic insights, as well as links to edit, view and archive the topic. To add a new topic, click the ‘New Topic+’ button, where you will be taken through the topic creation process.

PlaceSpeak Connect

PlaceSpeak Connect GeoID API clients are managed from this tab. For more information, visit the PlaceSpeak Connect section of this guide.


Archived topics are listed here. Once archived, topics can no longer be edited.

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