3. Consultation Setup

3. Consultation Setup

There are two ways to start a new consultation topic: through the "Start Consultation" button on the PlaceSpeak header, or through your Organization Dashboard. If you are an Enterprise customer you must "start a consultation" within your Organization Dashboard. Please note the PlaceSpeak administrative tools work best and are optimized for use with Google Chrome web browser

Once you start a new consultation, you will be taken to the Publish Manager. You’ll see a welcome box with some quick links to help you get started and outlines the steps necessary prior to launching your consultation: 

Publish Manager

PlaceSpeak has five simple steps which walks you through the process of setting up your consultation: 

  1. Consultation Setup
  2. Consultation Content
  3. Engagement Tools
  4. Integration
  5. Promote

You can complete these steps in order as shown, or according to your own preferences. Mandatory items are highlighted in red and must be completed before you can publish your consultation (i.e. make it live to the public). 

Progress bars show how far along you are in the process of populating your consultation topic page with content.


if you plan to work with another person or team, it is important to coordinate the access to Admin functions. Preparing content in advance and having it approved before populating the PlaceSpeak topic page (for each Language) will make overwriting of content less likely. One individual at a time should make changes in any tool requiring formatting, or adding/editing content. This is especially important if you are working within Tabs for French and English bilingual topics.

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