9.4 Reports

9.4 Reports

Raw data reports are available in real time, and can be downloaded at any time, in a variety of formats. The reports are broken down by the map polygon segments set during the topic page setup.

Features that export reports: Discussions (by question/thread), Noticeboard, Surveys, Polls, PlaceIt.

Toggle between the different tools to download the different reports. You can download automated reports from 5 features: Noticeboard, Discussions, Survey, Polls & Resources.

Reports are available in several formats according to the tool selected: .csv, .xls, pdf and kml.

If a report is available, select the desired file type and click on "Download" to save the file to your computer. 

PlaceSpeak is in the process of adding AI Generated reports for Discussions for 2024.  Please stand by!! 

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