9.1 Discussion Insights

This feature is available for Premium and Organization-Wide customers. 

We know that it can be challenging to analyze large amounts of text data, such as discussion forum comments. Easily understand what participants are thinking with our in-depth analysis and spatial visualization SentiMap tool. 

Map Legend

Consultation administrators can now instantly visualize participants’ sentiments in discussion comments, by geographical area (e.g. city, neighbourhood, etc.), along a colour-coded five-point scale:

  • Very positive
  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Negative
  • Very negative

The number of participants in each area is also shown on the right hand side.


Best Practices

The SentiMap is best used to visualize public opinion along a positive to negative spectrum, e.g. “What do you think of the new public art in the city?”

It is less effective for ideation-based discussions, e.g. “Where would you like to see more public art in the city?”

However, questions can be reframed in order to benefit from these visualizations of public sentiment.