12.3 Promoting Your Topic Page
12.3 Promoting Your Topic Page
- Make use of the Notify function: When you publish your topic page, you have the option to let all PlaceSpeak participants within the range you set know about your consultation.
- Additionally, when you make updates to your topic page (e.g. new discussion questions, poll results, new events, etc), you can notify connected participants. This helps keep your connected participants engaged, and the discussion active throughout the consultation.
- When you publish your topic, invite any of your contacts that you think will be interested in participating.
- If you have gathered emails at events, invite them to carry on the conversation using PlaceSpeak. You can upload a CSV file of email addresses using the Invitations tool. You can also upload existing email lists (e.g. mailing lists, newsletter lists).
- Encourage participants to use the invitation tool as well, such as for inviting their family, friends, and neighbours to the consultation.
- The invitees will receive an email that will allow them to register for PlaceSpeak if they have not already done so, and to easily connect to the topic.
- Embed a widget: Rather than just linking the consultation from your webpage, consider embedding an iFrame widget, which you can customize through the topic editor.
- The widget shows live metrics about the consultation, as well as the map featuring green dots representing connected participants. We have observed higher engagement levels from people arriving at the topic page from the widget, rather than just a link.
- Consider embedding the poll widget in external third-party sites (e.g. local media) to increase reach.
Vanity (Short) URL
- Including the URL to your topic page on any print material (e.g. flyers, posters) is a great way to drive participants to your consultation.
- A vanity URL (e.g. http://placespeak.com/XXXXX) makes the link easy for participants to remember and access. Furthermore, it is simple to share through social media or to add on any promotional material. Contact us for more details.
- Keep it consistent: If you have images and designs you have been using throughout your consultation, use them on PlaceSpeak too! This consistency will build trust among those unfamiliar with or skeptical of online consultations.
For a step-by-step guide on promoting your topic, visit our topic promotion checklist.
To leverage local organizations in your outreach, check out our community outreach checklist.
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