6.2 Participant Invitations

6.2 Participant Invitations

Invite contacts to connect to your topic using your own email lists (e.g. mailing lists, newsletter lists). An email invitation will be sent to the participant with a link to connect to the topic.

You can:

  • Upload a CSV: To invite multiple participants at a time, upload a .csv file with corresponding headers (First Name, Last Name and/or Email Address). 
  • Invite participants individually: Send email invitations to individual participants by inputting their first and last name and/or their email address. Press “Invite” to send.

Inviting participants directly through this feature has been proven to be the most effective way of getting people to follow and engage with your consultation. People only have to click the link in their email to directly access your consultation. 

Invitation List

Once a participant is entered, they will be added to the invitation list. You can view and track each contact's: 

  • Name (First and Last)
  • Email address
  • Invitation status (Not Sent/Pending/Connected)
  • Times sent (You can only remind participants every two days to prevent spamming)
  • Date last email sent

To send email invitations/reminders individually, tick the box to the left of the invitee.

To send reminders to all eligible invitees, click ‘Invite/Remind all eligible’

Reminders may only be sent every 48 hours in respect of anti-spam legislation.

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